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ANSI/SAE J1401-1993 道路车辆.使用非石油基液压油的液压制动软管组件

作者:标准资料网 时间:2024-04-28 12:53:31  浏览:9399   来源:标准资料网
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Product Code:SAE J1699/4
Title:OBD-II Communications Anomaly List
Issuing Committee:Vehicle E E System Diagnostic Standards Committee
Scope: This document includes a lists of anomalies discovered during testing of the interface between some OBD-2 Scan Tool to some Vehicles. The anomaly list had been originally compiled by the ETI (Equipment Tool Institute).
Rationale: This document includes a lists of anomalies discovered during testing of the interface between some OBD-2 Scan Tool to some Vehicles. The anomaly list had been originally compiled by the ETI (Equipment Tool Institute).【英文标准名称】:Medicalelectricalequipment;part2:particularrequirementsforthesafetyofinfantradiantwarmers
